Event Details

DATE: May 17, 2025


WHERE: Green Acres -767 S Pioneer Ave, Boise  ** NEW LOCATION **

WHY: Idaho Wildlife Federation is raising money to further their efforts to conserve Idaho's public lands and outdoor space.

Load in is from 2PM-4PM. Specific details will come out as we get closer.

Do you have questions before you sign up?  Contact Rebecca, our event director, at [email protected].

Brewers will be provided with:

  • 2 passes/wristbands for your staff
  • Dump bucket
  • Website and Social Media marketing 
  • Lunch - we'll give your staff each a $15 lunch voucher to be used at one of the food trucks onsite
  • Ice
  • 50/50 deal: IWF will pay for 50% of the beer you bring, while asking for the other half to be donated, with the understanding that our cap is $200 payment per brewer. Please plan to bring a minimum of 15 gallons, whatever that looks like to you. 1/2 bbls, 1/4 bbls, 1/6 bbls, anything goes. If you would like to just donate your beer to the cause and help IWF with their work conserving Idaho's outdoor space and wildlife, it would be much appreciated and help us further our mission.

Brewers will need to bring:

  • At least 2 brands of beer, minimum of 15 gallons, whatever that looks like to you. 
  • Jockey box, tap handles, CO2
  • Marketing materials 
  • Tent (and weights if it looks like it's going to be windy)
  • Chair, if you want one
  • Keg buckets

Your Info

Web Stuff

Your Beer

  • (reminder that the max we will pay out per brewery is $200)


Almost Done

Public Lands Alefest attendees may have audiovisual recordings or pictures taken while in the event. By attending, you give Public Lands Alefest and/or Idaho Wildlife Federation permission to use these (with or without your name, company name, or with a fictitious name) in print or electronic marketing or publishing for any products or services without compensation in any form.

By clicking submit, you agree to Idaho Wildlife Federation and Public Lands Alefest's Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy.

Almost done. Where should we send the confirmation?

RedPodium Sports Event Management System